이 포스트에서는 DDD 에 사용될 테이블 구조에 대해 기술한다.





create database shop character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_general_ci;

CREATE USER 'shopuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'shoppass';
CREATE USER 'shopuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'shoppass';

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON shop.* TO 'shopuser'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON shop.* TO 'shopuser'@'%';

use shop;

create table shop.purchase_order (
  order_number varchar(50) not null primary key,
  version bigint,
  orderer_id varchar(50),
  orderer_name varchar(50),
  total_amounts int,
  shipping_zip_code varchar(6),
  shipping_addr1 varchar(100),
  shipping_addr2 varchar(100),
  shipping_message varchar(200),
  receiver_name varchar(50),
  receiver_phone varchar(50),
  state varchar(20),
  order_date datetime
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.order_line (
  order_number varchar(50) not null,
  line_idx int not null,
  product_id varchar(50) not null,
  price int,
  quantity int,
  amounts int
) character set utf8mb4;

create index order_line_idx ON order_line (order_number, line_idx);

create table shop.category (
  category_id bigint not null primary key,
  name varchar(100)
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.product (
  product_id varchar(50) not null primary key,
  name varchar(100),
  price int,
  detail text
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.product_category (
  product_id varchar(50) not null,
  category_id bigint not null,
  constraint primary key (product_id, category_id)
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.image (
  image_id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  product_id varchar(50),
  list_idx int,
  image_type varchar(10),
  image_path varchar(255),
  upload_time datetime
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.member (
  member_id varchar(50) not null primary key,
  name varchar(50),
  password varchar(255),
  blocked boolean,
  emails varchar(200)
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.member_authorities (
  member_id varchar(50) not null,
  authority varchar(50) not null,
  primary key (member_id, authority)
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.article (
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  title varchar(255)
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.article_content (
  id int not null primary key,
  content varchar(255),
  content_type varchar(255)
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.evententry (
  `type` varchar(255),
  `content_type` varchar(255),
  payload MEDIUMTEXT,
  `timestamp` datetime
) character set utf8mb4;

create table shop.locks (
  `type` varchar(255),
  id varchar(255),
  lockid varchar(255),
  expiration_time datetime,
  primary key (`type`, id)
) character set utf8mb4;

create unique index locks_idx ON shop.locks (lockid);


use shop;

truncate table purchase_order;
truncate table order_line;
truncate table category;
truncate table product_category;
truncate table product;
truncate table image;
truncate table member;
truncate table member_authorities;
truncate table article;
truncate table article_content;
truncate table evententry;

insert into member (member_id, name, password, blocked) values ('user1', '사용자1', '1234', false);
insert into member (member_id, name, password, blocked) values ('user2', '사용자2', '5678', false);
insert into member (member_id, name, password, blocked) values ('admin', '운영자', 'admin1234', false);
insert into member_authorities values ('user1', 'ROLE_USER');
insert into member_authorities values ('user2', 'ROLE_USER');
insert into member_authorities values ('admin', 'ROLE_ADMIN');

insert into category values (1001, '전자제품');
insert into category values (2001, '필기구');

insert into product values ('prod-001', '라즈베리파이3 모델B', 56000, '모델B');
insert into image (product_id, list_idx, image_type, image_path, upload_time) values
  ('prod-001', 0, 'II', 'rpi3.jpg', now());
insert into image (product_id, list_idx, image_type, image_path, upload_time) values
  ('prod-001', 1, 'EI', 'http://external/image/path', now());

insert into product_category values ('prod-001', 1001);

insert into product values ('prod-002', '어프로치 휴대용 화이트보드 세트', 11920, '화이트보드');
insert into image (product_id, list_idx, image_type, image_path, upload_time) values
  ('prod-002', 0, 'II', 'wbp.png', now());

insert into product_category values ('prod-002', 2001);

insert into product values ('prod-003', '볼펜 겸용 터치펜', 9000, '볼펜과 터치펜을 하나로!');
insert into image (product_id, list_idx, image_type, image_path, upload_time) values
  ('prod-003', 0, 'II', 'pen.jpg', now());
insert into image (product_id, list_idx, image_type, image_path, upload_time) values
  ('prod-003', 1, 'II', 'pen2.jpg', now());

insert into product_category values ('prod-003', 1001);
insert into product_category values ('prod-003', 2001);

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